Thursday, 25 August 2011

Man hole

This post is for B at B is building a house. Took some photos today when I went to the block to show you our man hole. Have no idea how it compares to yours but here it is, size and all. Enjoy! :-)

So there you go my man hole in the laundry.

Hope you are all having a lovely day. I'm enjoying the sunny weather we are having and the pre-taste of spring (feels like Swedish summer)


Framgångsbyran said...

Tycker man hole låter lite.. ekivokt. :)
Men det är säkert bra!

Anette Ryan said...

Visst gör det :-) Men jag gillar den tydliga beskrivningen av vem som får använda just detta hål, mannen. Alltså behöver jag aldrig ens fundera över vad man ska göra där uppe under taket ;)Solklart eller hur?
Kram syrran

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